Creative Fundraising Ideas for Student Trips

Many teachers who want to take class trips to destinations like New York City or Washington D.C. have similar challenges:  fund raising.  Some students’ parents may be capable of paying for the trip cost, while others may struggle to pay for their student to attend, or may not be able to afford the extra cost of a school trip at all.  This is when a good fundraising strategy, put in place early in the school year, can make or break a student trip to a popular destination. 

Teachers may even use multiple fundraising strategies, or have the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) help with some of the more hands on fundraising events.

 First, set a financial goal. Maybe the funds will help to scholarship students who have no ability to pay. Or perhaps the educator wants to raise funds for all attending the trip. Or funds may supplement class trip costs. A clear financial goal will keep the fundraising on track. 

Then, begin executing fundraising events, with students as representatives and workers.  Invite parents to assist with events, too.  Keep track of revenue and when the goal is met, let the community know. 

Popular Fundraising Ideas:

-       Student car washes

-       Dance-a-thons with sponsor donations

-       Candy sales

-       Bake sales

-       Hoagie or grinder sales

-       Sales of individual roses on Valentines Day at school

-       Advance sales of Mothers Day flower bouquets

-       Benefit performances for student theater and/or band

-       Magazine sales

-       CD sales of recorded student band performances

These are suggestions for student fundraising methods. There are of course many more to consider. ETC student travel professionals recommend this fund-raising-specific web-site for those who may need assistance in this area: